Hospitalman Kyle A. Nolen, 21, of Ennis, Texas, died Dec. 21 in Al Anbar Province, Iraq, as a result of enemy action.
Doc Nolen was assigned to India Company, 3rd Battalion, 4th Marine Division, Regimental Combat Team 7, I Marine Expeditionary Force Forward, 29 Palms, Calif.
Semper Fi
These always touch me. There is something so painful about a young man of 21 dying. How hard for his parents and siblings and everyone else who knew and loved him. How the world will miss the children he would have fathered and the gifts he had to give the rest of us.
My heart goes out to Cassie Nolen and her children, Ryan & Railey. I never knew Kyle, but my husband did. He has nothing but great things to say about Kyle Nolen and his service in Iraq. We as a country weep and will never forget his service. The best gift we can give Ryan & Railey Nolen is to remember the ultimate sacrifice that their father made for each of us. Please do not forget our troops and the families that have lost loved ones.
Just to set the record straight, Kyle was part of 3/4 India Company. We don't have a Hotel Company. He was one of the best Corpsmen I ever had, and man of outstanding character. I know he will continue to watch over his young family now that he is beyond the veil.
Doc Nolen was a great corpsman, a great sailor, and an amazing father and husband. I wish I could meet more people as brave and courageous as him but I know that it's not likely.
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