Hospitalman Lucas W.A. Emch, 21, of Kent, Ohio, died March 2, 2007, when an Improvised Explosive Device detonated in his vicinity while conducting combat operations in Al-Anbar Province, Iraq.
Doc Emch was a hospital corpsman assigned to 1st Marine Logistics Group, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Semper Fi
Barely old enough to have a beer. This brave young man could be my grandchild. Not fair. To cut off a life so young, with so much promise -- for all young people have promise, and a man who has become a Hospitalman has shown a depth of humanity that glows.
How sad!!! We just lost another young man from a small town in our county. The entire town lined their main street to honor him. An acquaintance lost his son just before Christmas. It makes me glad my Kate decided not to re-enlist. (She says Bush is doing nasty things to the Navy.) Nevermind the chances of her going to Iraq were pretty slim. That the possibility no longer exists eases my mind. I pray for our troops
and I pray that our leaders come to their senses post haste.
One more tragic loss of life before he even had a chance to live a life. What all he might have accomplished in the years ahead of him -- how so many might have benefited.
I am a Hospital Corpsman up here in Twentynine Palms, CA and I went to Field Med School with HN Emch. I remember him as always trying to make people laugh and lighten the mood on humps and in classes. I also worked with him right before that at Camp Pendleton Naval Hospital, we worked in the warehouse delivering supplies to the hospital. He was a good kid, and I'm sorry to hear that he lost his life over there.
God rest your soul Lucas. You were one hell of a Corpsman, and on hell of a friend. You kept us all laughing during your tour with us in Ramadi. The guys from 1st EOD Company will never forget you man.
Luke is my brother, my only sibling. He was a very special person. Luke saw everyone as equals, he held no prejudice. The thing everyone remembers most about my brother is his sense of humor. He was so witty, sarcastic, smart, he could make me laugh for hours! He also knew how to be serious, and get his job done. Everyone who worked with him knew what a hard worker Luke was. I'm writing this because I want people to know what a great person he was!! Luke was killed two hours before he was going to leave Iraq, during his last mission. We all take our freedom for granted, but just try to think about all of the men and women who have given everything and tell them you are thankful.
I miss you buddy. You had the best sense of humor and always kept me on my toes. Im so proud to have roomed with you at Pendelton before you left. You told me you were afraid what could happen out there, like the rest of us but the thing that makes me admire you the most is you went and did your job, through it all. I love and miss you man.
hey luke,
the day before you died we had a good time on that call. still remember me telling you to be careful. man miss you so much. work isn't the same without you. but you are always remembered. love you man.
Luke did have so much promise. He was an amazing person and great Corpsman. He was so smart and had a great sense of humor. Thanks for staying at the BEQ with me when I was the last one in field med to get pink eye. You are missed.
My condolences. Hearing his story and coming to the website I read through all the Corpsmen that gave the ultimate sacrifice and feeling the blessing bestowed upon me by them all. Being able to come home. Rest easy, Doc, and thank you all for your service. Blessings to all family and friends.
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