Hospitalman Christopher A. Anderson, 24, of Longmont, Colo., died Dec. 4 as a result of enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq.
Doc Anderson was a Navy Corpsman assigned to 1st Battalion, 6th Marines, 2nd Marine Division, Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic, based in Camp Lejeune, N.C.
Semper Fi
There is more information about him at www.corpsman.com
How can we be killing 24 year olds! It breaks my heart.
The only thing that gets me through such a tragic loss is my faith. My prayers go out to his family & the family the 19-year old marine--a casualty of Iraq--from my city who was buried last week. The sad, sad part of all the young people we've lost in this dreadful war is that these are our really good kids. When my Kate (now a PO2) enlisted in the Navy, her recruiter told me that the hardest part of his job was finding young men and women who can pass a drug test. What an awful testimony to our society!
I cry a lot and pray a lot these days just as I did when we lost so many good young men in VietNam.
It is indeed heartbreaking to read of even one more life lost in this war to which so many have been subjected. The tribute you pay is for all of us, but seems so inadequate as we all know.
May he rest in peace.
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Hint (select a larger size once the slideshow starts). Really nice presentation if you change the time to 1 second or 3 second as well.
Any photo, you want a copy of for printing (larger file size - 2mb - 4mb), please drop me an email.
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Corpsman Anderson, thank you for taking care of our Marines!
God Speed
The US Marine, who posted the above information can be contacted at zz@ia01.com if anyone desires or wants full size photos. I would like to obtain mailing address of the Marine Unit Corpsman Anderson was with, to send links and DVD of photos of the service to them.
Semper Fi!
Chris was a buddy of mine from Corps School. The last time we hung out was outdoor ice skating in chicago! He was so much fun. He deployed a month after me. I wish I would have got to talk to him. Support from ya'll back home makes it easier to be out here. My heart goes out to the friends and family that have lost someone out here.
photos moved to: http://myphotoshots.net/gallery2/v/inhonorof/CorpsmanAnderson/
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